Success Starts Here!
Hi! I’m Dr. Krejci, an Associate Professor of English at Temple College, and this is the landing page for the courses I teach.
Please use the menu bar above or the buttons below to locate resources for your course. If you scroll further down the page, you will learn about my teaching philosophy, how to get in touch with me.
Professor Information
Contact Information & Office Hours
Preferred Communication
Email is the quickest way to reach me. I often respond to messages immediately, but some days it might take me longer than others to get back to you. If I haven't responded within 48 hours, assume that I didn't get your message, and please try again!
Preferred Name & Pronouns
I prefer to be addressed as Dr. Krejci or Dr. K. You may also address me as Professor Krejci. I use the pronouns he, him, and his. You are welcome to share your preferred pronouns and name with me.
Preferred Language
I am primarily monolinguistic, which means that I only know one language well. I speak English, but I have some reading fluency in Spanish, French, German, and Latin. I do not have enough fluency to communicate well in any language other than English or to grade work written in any language other than English. If you speak a language other than English and want to teach me a few words or phrases, I am an eager learner.